Welcome to the National Funeral Wishes Register

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About the Register

Join the growing community of people who have already documented their funeral wishes in the National Funeral Wishes Register. By doing so, you ensure that your loved ones' are well-informed about your favoured farewell, and you gift them with the assurance that they've respected your wishes.

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Join over 10,000 people who have secured their wishes 

88 Decisions

To arrange a funeral there are often over 80 decisions, that need to be made in quick succession, by families who are in the early stages of loss and often while grieving


Time is precious, our team will send your results within a matter of hours


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Why People Trust Us1


None of us could agree on the funeral arrangements. Having this information was incredible.1

Vivi Anderson1

281, Portsmouth1


My mum loved her music so much. I can't explain how much it put my mind at ease to know what she had chosen.

Zachi Bloom

25, Birmingham

It was such a relief to find a Regsitered Funeral Wishes document after my Nan died. We never talked about these things.`

Nili Dawn

32, Edinburgh

I kept telling people what songs I would want on my 'big day', but I feel better having it all recorded.

Adam Barne

33, London